VIS - Vienna Independent Shorts
Webster University Vienna
FLUSS / Wolkersdorf
Filmgalerie Krems
Animation Avantgarde | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010


Der mit € 2000,- dotierte Asifa Austria Award 2012 ging an den Film 
"Little Deaths" von Ruth Lingford. 

Eine spezielle Erwähnung erhielt der Film "Ich fahre mit dem Fahrrad in einer halben Stunde an den Rand der Atmosphäre" von Michel Klöfkorn.

Im Folgenden die Begründung der Jury (Arjon Dunnewind (NL), Gabriele Jutz (AT), Lea Zagury (BR):

"Little Deaths" by Ruth Lingford
The jury wants to give the award for the best animation film to a work that offers the viewer a combination between sound and visuals that is surprising, innovative and entertaining at the same time. The artist of this award winning film managed to avoid images to become simple illustrations of the soundtrack. Starting from an almost documentary approach the film ads imaginative layers to the very personal and sometimes strange accounts of people talking about what maybe can be considered as man’s most defining moment. Where the interviews on the soundtrack offer us a wide variety of experiences and feelings, the visuals fictionalize these accounts in a very open and evocative way. 

Special mentions:
"Ich fahre mit dem Fahrrad in einer halben Stunde an den Rand der Atmosphäre" by Michel Klöfkorn
There was one film in the program that was also appreciated by the jury very much and it was in tight competition for the award of the best animation. Hovering between psychoanalysis, economics, astronomy and bicycle rides this film bridged the scientific with the imaginary in a very strong and powerful way. The Animation jury is pleased to give an honorable mention to “Ich fahre mit dem Fahrrad in einer halben Stunde an den Rand der Atmosphäre” (I ride to the edge of the atmosphere in a half hour on my bicycle) by Michel Klöfkorn. 

Der ASIFA Austria Award zeichnet den besten Film der internationalen Wettberbsprogramme „Animation Avantgarde“ bei VIS Vienna Independent Shorts aus, er wird von einer internationalen Jury vergeben und ist von ASIFA Austria mit € 2000,- dotiert. 

Lea Zagury, Gabriele Jutz, Ruth Lingford, Arjon Dunnewind Foto © Severin Dostal